Object and Type
Object : FCGeneric
Type : Method
Public Sub MoveLastAbsolute()
This method sets the current record for the generic object to the last object in the recordset. However, unlike the MoveLast method, this method places the current record pointer to the last record with NO regard to the parent recordset's current record pointer. In other words, this method places you at the last record in the recordset for ALL records in the generic object. This method is similar to the base ClearBasic method GetRecordList, which gets all records for a specific query.
If this object is not a child generic, this method is equivalent to the MoveLast method.
If there are no records in the generic object, the BOF flag will be set to True.
Note: This method still performs a MoveFirst on any generic objects that are children of this object.
The following example queries for all of the sites in the database. It then traverses to the contact roles for those sites, and on to the contacts for the contact roles. It uses MoveLastAbsolute and MovePreviousAbsolute to traverse through all of the contact roles (and contacts) with no regard to the site generic object.
Visual Basic:
The code in this example is written in Visual Basic.
Dim boSite As FCGeneric
Dim boCRole As FCGeneric
Dim boContact As FCGeneric
Set boSite = fc_session.CreateGeneric("site")
Set boCRole = fc_session.CreateGeneric
boCRole.TraverseFromParent boSite, "site2contact_role"
boCRole.AppendSort "contact_role2contact", "asc"
Set boContact = fc_session.CreateGeneric
boContact.TraverseFromParent boCRole, "contact_role2contact"
While boCRole.BOF = False
Debug.Print "Role: " & boCRole("role_name")
Debug.Print " Count of contacts: " & Trim$(str$(boContact.Count))